
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Event Management

I created accounts for the 3 activities in this weeks lesson. I was happy with Doodle, but for the meetings that I attend it is probably not necessary and neither was Google Calendar. I love Event Brite! It is on my list of things to do to get the staff here more interested in running online bookings. It would save tremendous hassels with Computer Bookings, Storytime and School Holiday Bookings! These activities are always busy for us and by eliminating the staff time involved in taking these bookings we are going to be a lot better off.
The issue other staff members see is with the restriction for those without the internet. But participants can still contact the branch, and the staff member can make the booking for them whilst they are on the phone. Great lesson this week, I really look forward to seeing how well Event Brite will work for us.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Keeping RSS Simple!

To be completely honest I have only looked at my RSS feeds a few times since I set them up. It is handy if I am trolling through endless information and suddenly remember to check if something new has been written that my RSS Feeds may have notified me about, but that happens very rarely.

Although I do not use my RSS Feeds regularly, they are extremely organised, I cannot survive with the mess! But then what point is there being organised if you're not using them :/

Beyond my laziness, for those using RSS feeds regularly, having them organised would be of great benefit. I am considering signing up for 'FeedMyInbox' to see if emailing the Feeds would be more beneficial, but it will possibly be just like all the other Email alerts I receive that once I see where the email has come from, I just delete it because I either don't have the time, or the care factor right at that moment.

On a personal level, Having my feeds stream into say Twitter or Facebook Accounts would be highly beneficial. The history will be there when you need it (rather than deleting the email) and there is the opportunity to look at it, only when you really feel like it, you can skim past the post if you don't have time. definitely something to consider, but not really acceptable on a work level.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Slideshows, slideshows everywhere

I've watched so many of these online Slideshows, more of the Tutorial style ones, and have found them extremely useful. My only qualm is that the quality of them is not amazing. The images are too small to see at normal size and at Full Screen they are very poor quality making it just as hard to read.

the ones I have found that are more images have been wonderful and have helped me out of many a pickle. I have not considered using them within our library service at this point in time. Possibly if we move into online tutorials on using our Catalogue or Online Services at a later date then I will explore them further.

Nings - - - - - ->

Nings are a great form of collaborative information sharing. Although I personally wasn't overly impressed with the sites that I explored, I have experienced Nings before, and they are extremely useful for sharing information between people with similar interests. I do tend to find these sites are more of a phase that people go through and don't end up being a long term committment to monitor and contribute information too.