
Monday, February 8, 2010

Bookmarks are... Delicious?

I have been using Delicious regularly since the Learning 2.0 Course. I find it incredibly helpful to Bookmark Websites and Blogs that I like to visit. Bundling the tags into Categories like Storytime, Rhymetime, Lapsit, Design, Marketing are all very handy so that I can find the resources I need easily without having to remember the name of a website to return to it.
Like most things I probably should use it more, there are definitely sites that I will need to use again that I haven't Bookmarked with Delicious, hopefully this weeks session will force me to use them a little bit more :)

This weeks lesson was great!

Tweet It!

Social Networking appeals to me definitely on a personal level, it makes keeping in contact with friends and family very easy.
Professionally I am still trying to decide whether or not our Library is prepared to join the social networking craze. I fear we will become one of the libraries that is using the technology for the sake of using technology and that it will start to deteriorate and not be done well.
I also feel the line between personal and professional posts can at times become blurred and I read things on other Libraries Facebook and Twitter Pages that I don't believe is professionally relevant.
Then I look at the other side of the coin and realise that it is a way to tap into audiences that we have not been able to secure previously... and then the internal debate starts and i wonder if by trying to tap into these markets that don't want to be penetrated are we making their social networking services effectively "uncool"???

So many questions to ask, and they are some that I will discuss with other members of staff and come to a decision on whether we continue to piggy back on the Dubbo City Council Blog and Facebook Page (Dubbo Youth) or whether we develop our own.

Learning 2.1 Begins

I haven't touched my Blog since the completion of Learning 2.0, but tend to have a few work associated and personal blogs that I follow on a regular basis.
As most people have already said, I should blog more, but never have time, etc, etc... but I enjoy blogging, it tends to be a release of stress and whatever is on your mind at the time... most personal blogs tend to be like a public, online diary... has good and bad sides, but some people tend to reveal too much about themselves.
A lot of the blogs I visit for work purposes are: and
I love Lisa's blog, there are lots of very interesting rhymes and stories availabe, my only qualm is that there is no Search option! Blogs must be able to be searched. Thus the inclusion of a Search bar in the new look for my Blog :)